Editor’s Note

Gathering Wisdom
Frank Shushok, Jr.

“…Although I cannot recall most of the things I must have said in Debs presence, I can imagine what I have uttered in ignorance or immaturity, especially in those earliest days of our friendship. Instead of correcting or “schooling” me, Deb’s response has always been to invite me into the her wide, inclusive circle of learning and love. I have learned that wisdom is born in such circles. I think wisdom is one thing you grow into through experience, not acquisition.”

Featured Articles

On Being’s Krista Tippett on Finding Wisdom in a Time of Flux and Uncertainty

Frank Shushok, Jr., and Krista Tippett

Krista Tippett is the host and creator of the radio show and podcast On Being, an interview
series dedicated to exploring the spiritual aspects of our modern world—“the bigger questions of life” as Frank Shushok says. In this wide-ranging interview on wisdom, hope, and values, Tippett talks about how to live wisely and the varying wisdoms of different ages, which leads to the importance of cross-generational friendships in order to benefit from the energy and impatience of youth and the perspective of age. She explains the importance of listening, especially to the voices that don’t tend to get “air time” in our crisis-oriented media. The interview ends with the renewed power of hope and the need for a long-term focus on change.

Writing on Riding: The Value of Interdisciplinary Learning and Multidisciplinary Experience

Mollison Ryan

Mollison Ryan split her time as an undergraduate between classrooms and horse stables. Now a
recent graduate, Ryan looks back on these disparate experiences to make sense of how they have formed her as a whole person. She explains the holistic benefits of horseback riding—the responsibility, self-discipline, compassion, and adaptability that also support her as a student and writer.

In Practice

Generation Z: Educating and Engaging the Next Generation of Students

Corey Seemiller and Meghan Grace

This generation is highly aware of the problems of the modern world and extremely hopeful and confident in their ability to solve them. They desire hands-on learning and the opportunity to apply knowledge immediately in the real world. The biggest difference from Millennials is that Generation Z wants to learn independently before engaging in group work. Since our current approaches that have been designed for Millennials might not be the best fit for this new
cohort of students, Seemiller and Grace end with four specific suggestions for how to translate their research findings into the campus experience.

Views from Campus

Fairness and Fate in Elite College Admissions

Stephen Handel

How do elite colleges choose who among the many qualified applicants to accept? Stephen  Handel shares a challenging conversation he had explaining the University of California admissions process to a skeptical student. The family friend asked how admissions can be “fair”
when there are more qualified students than spots available – why not just flip a coin? Handel explains the UC’s system of “comprehensive review, a balanced approach that considers elements of merit beyond GPAs and test scores that correlate with the mission of higher
education, such as overcoming individual challenges, serving the community, etc. This conversation has convinced Handel that the process must be more transparent so all students, parents, and other interested parties understand how it works.